SMP Vancouver


Scalp Micropigmentation

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

A very commonly asked question is ‘what is Scalp Micropigmentation?’ Well, put simply, it’s a solution to the (common) problem of hair loss. It's effectively a cosmetic form of tattooing, where cosmetic pigment and a miniature needle are used to put a small amount of that pigment into the skin on your scalp. What that does is it recreates the look of a freshly shaved hair follicle. It works for men who have lost their hairlines, or who have the dreaded ‘horseshoe’ shape in the back from losing the hair at their crown. Scalp Micropigmentation provides that clean, fresh, buzzed cut look. Additionally, it works for women who are experiencing thinning of the hair - it's great to give an improvement in density in the area. It’s non-surgical, there's very little down time, it's extremely cost-effective. Overall, it's a fantastic solution to hair loss, and I truly believe that - I have it on my own head!

Generally, 2—4 sessions are needed to achieve the desired look. Unlike a regular tattoo, the placement of the pigment is shallow in the skin. This causes some fading in between sessions, but allows a much more realistic result to be produced.

You can watch the video below for an ‘in-person’ explanation with Chroma Clinic’s founder and lead technician, Jordan McCormack.

A short description of Scalp Micropigmentation (or 'SMP', 'hair tattoo', 'hairline tattoo'). Jordan, the lead practitioner at Chroma Clinic, based in Vancouv...
Jordan McCormack